Aromatherapy - cat: Anti fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and natural dewormer
Are you looking for a natural anti-flea for cats ? Do you want to prevent the invasion of ticks on your cat? Are you looking for an alternative to chemical pipettes and flea and tick collar for your cat? Are you looking for a natural cat dewormer ? Then this Aromazoo 4 in 1 synergy (Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and dewormer) is made for you.
Thanks to this mixture of high quality oils, your animal will be treated and protected as a preventive or curative against fleas, ticks and worms.
When to apply it?
- Application when bites of fleas, ticks or mosquitoes present in cats (curative treatment) : once a day for 7 days. Then complete stop for 3 days then resume if necessary.
- Preventive application to protect against the invasion of fleas and ticks in cats : once a month in Autumn and Winter. Once a week during the Spring and Summer risky period.
How to apply it?
Shake well. Then apply it against the grain on the usually infested areas (back, neck, chest) or on the spot-on. Avoid the cat's eyes and muzzle .
It is also important to closely inspect your cat after each outing to check for ticks and fleas in order to treat him as soon as possible.
Finally, do not forget to also treat the environment of the cat against fleas, ticks thanks to the treatment at home .
Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, 4 thieves vinegar, Neem, coconut, Floral hydrosols